This year was a particularly tricky event to pull off. The whole world was heading towards a lock down, many international artists were stopped before boarding their plane to NZ! But we did it and given the circumstances we did a great job and I am exceedingly proud of that! And for that I have to thank everyone that had participated to make it happen…
Thanks to all tattoo artists inking away and creating unbelievable atmosphere for everyone.
Special one goes to our Indigenous group and Julie with Chontelle making this possible. It was very special at the show.
Thanks to our Creative Village artists and creatives setting up these awesome workshops for people in support of the I am Hope foundation, we loved your presence and appreciate time and efforts!
Thank you to our sponsors, without you the show would not be possible!
Thank you to all our vendors for becoming part of our Vendor area, we hope you enjoyed the foot traffic.
Thank you to all performers and bands! You were stunning and made the show a true entertainment!
Cheers to our foodies, this year with your lovely burgers, souvlaki, pancakes, donuts, coffee, ice cream!
Thanks to our many volunteers, you are legends and your help is greatly appreciated!
Big thanks to our security crew, the team of Trustpower Baypark Arena, Aroha our event manager and the rest of team!
Big one goes to our street artists painting caravans! Hey cheers Cinzah for doing a great job on mine!
And finally big thanks to our families for patience to put up with the Extravaganza stealing a lot of time from you!
Looking forward seeing you all in 2022?!
On behalf of the T&AE
Pepa, Chris, Mo